Photo Share Link Weirdness

I've been playing around with a blog from I've been using the share photo links like this one:
The trouble is these links seem to come & go they may stop working and then begin working again! I think the trouble is with smugmug because I can hit the sharephoto button get a list of the different sized photo urls then click on them. Some will be there some wont and an hour later the result might be different!! Anyone else seeing this?
The example url in this post was not working at the time of this posting.
The trouble is these links seem to come & go they may stop working and then begin working again! I think the trouble is with smugmug because I can hit the sharephoto button get a list of the different sized photo urls then click on them. Some will be there some wont and an hour later the result might be different!! Anyone else seeing this?
The example url in this post was not working at the time of this posting.
That was in IE. I switched to Firefox, and I can't get to the medium of that photo at all, but I could successfully get the -S, -L, and -XL.
I use those links all of the time, mainly to post photos in my blog. I haven't seen this behavior before, but there is definitely something odd going on.
Are you having this problem in multiple galleries, or just this one?
Have you tried something like rotating the photo, then rotating it back (or any other activity under photo tools that will regenerate the display sized photos)? Just curious if that fixes the problem...
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Pulling from more than one gallery, often broken links begin working again! happening with both Firefox & IE
At first I thought it was only affecting photos I have in more than one gallery but this is not the case! At the time of this posting this photo will not show in this gallery:
But it does show in this one:
Thanks for checking but the photo used as an example is this thread still appears to be broken
I can put a list together but they come & go!! If you currently check my blog you will see that currently 3 of 4 Smugmug photo links are not working:
Clear your cache in your Web browser. I think you just have the old, broken version in your cache still.
As for your blog images, you have some funky links there. For example:
The photos all seem to be working fine for me though when the proper URL is entered. Anyone else?
There is indeed something weird going on and my cache has never seen this page until just now. Some more info: will load fine and is what the gallery page with this image in it uses. will not load at all. will load fine. will load fine. will load fine.
Is it supposed to be this way after the photo has been replaced? Why would only the -M version have a problem.
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Consistently won't load here, even on a shift-refresh. All the other links load fine. I wonder if there's some problem with a replication copy or one particular server that could make it work for some and not others? I presume there's some sort of load balancing that means we don't all necessarily come in through the same servers.
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Ok I cleared cache again in IE & FF, now I can see all images but what made them go away in the first place I wonder! I was able to duplicate the problem over the last couple of days both at work and at home over different networks & PCs!
You mentioned that the urls are changed but still work!! do you think that the browser cache could be being confused by pulling the same image from a blog url as well as from the SM url?
As far as I can remember the problem has only happened to photos I've linked to my blog.
Thanks for all the feedback & help folks. still doesn't load for me on a different computer, different network, different ISP, different state (I flew back to CA this evening from AZ).
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--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Wierdness continues today! shre links to photos randomly work then don't work! The only constants I've been able to find are:
1) It only seems to be effecting images I've embedded in &
2) Simply emptying cache does in IE or FF does not work but loading the url directly in the address bar of either letting it fail then emptying chache then reloading again seems to make it work. But it will break again later!!
Denise you also use blogger but don't seem to have these problems could you share how you embed your images incase I am doing something wrong.
Here's an example of the html I'm using in my blog to both display the photo and to allow the viewer to click to be taken to my gallery. You'll need to remove the *s, included to stop the forum software from swallowing the html.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
You have external links disabled in that gallery with the first photo.
Then did you change it because I just checked all three Galleries where I'm pulling photos from and all three say "easy sharing: yes"
It's not the "easy sharing" option. It's up in the Security and Privacy section of the Customize Gallery page.
Ahhh, So.... I just made those changes so if that fixes it I'll keep the dumb label.
Now I'm curious why it worked sometimes & not at all?