Hit Counter Problem
I'm having a small problem with my stat counter - I've got my galleries set to the smugmug style - and also enabled the super wide viewing option - which I tihnk is great for people with a bigger monitor - love see the extra thumbnails withe larger preview on the right side.
However, since I switched to this format, my stat counter program through WebStat does not count any photo viewing hits once the person gets into the gallery due to the java script not acturally refreshing the page, it just shows the new larger photo on the right side for each thumbnail they click on.
I really don't want to switch back to the old viewing style - but I'm annoyed that I'm not getting an accurate page view count - and more imporantly I can't tell which specific photos someone is view - just what gallery they went into. Even though a unique URL is generated each time, the page doesn't really refresh which is where the problem lies. I also tested this with StatCounter and encounterd the same problem.
Does anyone know of some code I can include in my customization page that would make the entire page refresh which each thumbnail click to generate a new page hit ???
However, since I switched to this format, my stat counter program through WebStat does not count any photo viewing hits once the person gets into the gallery due to the java script not acturally refreshing the page, it just shows the new larger photo on the right side for each thumbnail they click on.
I really don't want to switch back to the old viewing style - but I'm annoyed that I'm not getting an accurate page view count - and more imporantly I can't tell which specific photos someone is view - just what gallery they went into. Even though a unique URL is generated each time, the page doesn't really refresh which is where the problem lies. I also tested this with StatCounter and encounterd the same problem.
Does anyone know of some code I can include in my customization page that would make the entire page refresh which each thumbnail click to generate a new page hit ???