Forum Suggestion

Hi Gang,
When I'm following a thread, it makes moore sense to have the newest posts first because I've already read the older ones.
But, When I'm reading a thread for the first time, it makes more sense to have the oldest, or original, post first so I can start from the beginning.
My suggestion is to have a button or drop down menu on the top of each thread page so we can change the order "on the fly".
Maybe it can be added to a master wish list?
Chuck Cannova
When I'm following a thread, it makes moore sense to have the newest posts first because I've already read the older ones.
But, When I'm reading a thread for the first time, it makes more sense to have the oldest, or original, post first so I can start from the beginning.
My suggestion is to have a button or drop down menu on the top of each thread page so we can change the order "on the fly".
Maybe it can be added to a master wish list?
Chuck Cannova
Threads can be sorted as such, but not posts within a thread, that is set behind the scenes, forum-wide.
But I could be wrong, the nerdier nerds will chime in later, I'm sure.
down to Thread Display Options and look at the drop selection next to
Thread Display Mode. I see linear -oldest first and linear - newest first.
That what you looking for?
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The control panel lets you set the order globally but I was looking for a way to do it instantly with a single click on a thread by thread basis.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged & smugmug
... I guess it is what it is and we'll just have to live with it.
Thanks to all for your responses.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
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(Laptop users may need to also press a function key to enable the End key.)