Feel like lending your opinion?

Sometimes working on an image you get to a point that you do not see the good or bad in the big picture. It has reached that point for me and I'm afraid that I may have gotten to point that if I continue I will just ruin it.
If you could take a couple minutes out of your pre-new year day to comment on which version you prefer that would be great, assuming of course we have a heavy opinion of one side or the other - sometimes things like this go 50/50 :wink
P.S. This is not a composite
morning mudras
More Natural - (currently posted)

Some mystery etc...

Thanks a bunch
and have a Happy new year!
If you could take a couple minutes out of your pre-new year day to comment on which version you prefer that would be great, assuming of course we have a heavy opinion of one side or the other - sometimes things like this go 50/50 :wink
P.S. This is not a composite
morning mudras
More Natural - (currently posted)

Some mystery etc...

Thanks a bunch
and have a Happy new year!
When do I get my opinion back? And is there any interest on the loan? If so, good rates? I mean, I guess I've kinda given it to you anyway... just curious
Thanks zweiblumen, I'll release all captured opinions sometime next year during a full moon so they can frolic and maybe meet new opinions. So its all for a good cause
I do, however, seriously question if it would have been an issue on Judgement Day.
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
As long as it's for a good cause, I'm down with it
but i can see difference at close inspection only
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Why you ask? Ok it is kinda of a spiritual thing the man is doing and the PPW that you gave it, almost makes it seem like he is calling the "waters" and it is moving towards him...Yeah what can I say..I like all the Greek and Roman pictures - Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, Hercules, etc...lol...
I like the lighting better on the facial area too in the 2nd one.
Indeed, Tentacion the idea of power and control over nature was very prominent in my design around this image. The treatment that I gave the second one was designed to not only push the viewer towards the subject but suggest the power behind the mudras.
Thank you HoofClix, Awais, Greensquared and cjmchch for taking the time to look and help me in my quest for opinion interaction by the light of a full moon.
I ended up doing a "re-mix" mixture of both and adding a few final tweaks, a little dodging a little burning etc...
It's been a fun one but I have to put it to rest sometime.:D
I think you got it. An unusual photo for sure but it is good
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Thanks Swartzy!
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Thanks shatch!