Thank you so much for putting him back. So many of those poor little guys and gals end up in an aquarium under the care of a child or adult.
I have been rescueing these poor fellas from development sites for several years now. (Fatten them up, deworm them, and put them in a safe place with lots of room to roam.)
Matter of fact one of our familys most beloved pets is a rescue. Someone bought her when she was "oh so cute" and didn't do the research to see that she would someday grow to 100+ lbs.
This is Tilly, she is roughly 50lbs know and does her best to keep the grass mowed in her half acre back yard.
Cute guy! When I see turtles, especially on the road, I will pull over, run into traffic and get it off the road. I remember years ago rescuing a huge turtle in the country in North Texas. I have no idea which species it was, but my then girlfriend, now wife, and I found a nice creek and let it loose.
Cool stuff! I love turtles (my wife and I have 4 sliders that were rescues). I think my most heroic act (sad huh?) ever was saving a terp from a hopeless attempt to cross the street. Was driving and saw him just a we passed. Pulled over, sprinted back and snatched him up just before a car went by.
Sony DSC-S85 (point and shoot)
Panasonic LX1
Olympus 770SW
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
I have been rescueing these poor fellas from development sites for several years now. (Fatten them up, deworm them, and put them in a safe place with lots of room to roam.)
Matter of fact one of our familys most beloved pets is a rescue. Someone bought her when she was "oh so cute" and didn't do the research to see that she would someday grow to 100+ lbs.
This is Tilly, she is roughly 50lbs know and does her best to keep the grass mowed in her half acre back yard.
Sony DSC-S85 (point and shoot)
Panasonic LX1
Olympus 770SW
In the market for a dslr