Wedding & Portrait contracts...

Hi All,
I am having some difficulty finding / creating contracts for my portrait sessions and weddings (also a standard model release.
Does anyone have an example they could send me so I can use it as a starting point? (just PM me and I will send you my email address)
Would really appreciate it.
I am having some difficulty finding / creating contracts for my portrait sessions and weddings (also a standard model release.
Does anyone have an example they could send me so I can use it as a starting point? (just PM me and I will send you my email address)
Would really appreciate it.

Do you want a contract that's easy to read and understand or a more "bulletproof" contract full of legaleese?
Easy to read for sure. Just something that covers any copyright issues, ownership etc...
I have a basic Portrait one (but would like to see others to make sure mine are not to basic) but I have no Wedding ones at all.
Appreciate your help.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Cheers & Happy New Year!
I really struggled with mine. I bought an Amphoto book of legal forms for photographers that came with a disk; It was too complex.
PPA has one for their members; Again, so complex I was afraid my clients would be scared off
Shay Stephens offered one for us to use in his Wedding Bootcamp.
I found one from another photographer that fit me just about right but I bought it with the provision that it was confidential. I added some of Shay's clauses to that one.
I did find that each one needed tweeking just for me - there are so many clauses because each of us runs our businesses differently.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.