B&W Cityscape, Portland, OR

Dear Friends:
I sold my D40 and am back using the D70. What a difference. I like the D70, but after using the D40 I can certainly tell the difference in "feel" (and weight). I thought the LCD size would not be so dramatic... it has certainly made a difference. In any case, here is a shot of part of a Portland cityscape. Taken in color with the D70, in RAW, opened with Adobe Lightroom and edited with Photoshop CS3. The shot has very little post-processing, but does have a light sepia filter applied.
It is dark, but I love that dark look here.

EXIF: Nikon D70, ISO 200, 1/640, f/10, 18mm, 18-70mm AF-S, Handheld, Manual, No Flash
Any C&C greatly appreciated.
Happy New Year to All,
I sold my D40 and am back using the D70. What a difference. I like the D70, but after using the D40 I can certainly tell the difference in "feel" (and weight). I thought the LCD size would not be so dramatic... it has certainly made a difference. In any case, here is a shot of part of a Portland cityscape. Taken in color with the D70, in RAW, opened with Adobe Lightroom and edited with Photoshop CS3. The shot has very little post-processing, but does have a light sepia filter applied.
It is dark, but I love that dark look here.

EXIF: Nikon D70, ISO 200, 1/640, f/10, 18mm, 18-70mm AF-S, Handheld, Manual, No Flash
Any C&C greatly appreciated.
Happy New Year to All,

Exposure Latitude(s).com
"The temple bell stops but the sound keeps coming out of the flowers." -- Basho
"The temple bell stops but the sound keeps coming out of the flowers." -- Basho
Pool/Billiards specific...
Thanks for the thoughts. Yes, it was dark, but I probably could have post-processed a bit better. Here's another try, although not a very dramatic change:
Easier to see the bridge on the right side, and the cityscape across the water.
"The temple bell stops but the sound keeps coming out of the flowers." -- Basho
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography