
Noise Reduction using Channels and Surface Blur

xendless xurbiaxendless xurbia Registered Users Posts: 43 Big grins
edited January 3, 2008 in Finishing School
Hey all,

I don't know how many of you have signed up to Kelby Training, but there is a really interesting topic on noise reduction by Corey Barker (of LayersTV fame). Now I've tried it, and it seems to work while keeping a very very acceptable level of detail in the shot being worked on. It adds about 4 minutes to a pictures workflow. (now if you have a super duper Nikon or Canon, this topic isn't for you I guess. :wink )

It's very simple.

1- In RGB open the channels palette.
2 - Inspect each channel for noise.
3 - Apply Surface Blur, but keep it to a minimum. I find that a threshold of over 8 starts to deteriorate detail.
4 - Do not do this while the image is a Smart Object, as it will apply it to the whole image at once instead of having it done to individual channels.

Here are 100% crops of a picture I've worked on. Yes, they are overdone by a bit, but I did this for examples sake.

Straight from Camera with slight contrast adjustments to accentuate noise.

Noise Reduced using Surface Blur on the Red Blue and Green channels in varying amounts.

Give it a shot and post some examples of what you were able to do.
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