Sold: Tripod Mount Ring for Canon 70-200 f4

Hey there! Recently sold the Canon 70-200 f4/L that this went to, but I have the tripod mount ring still for sale. It sells new for 144 on B&H, so we'll start the bidding off at $100. This includes shipping.
I can take non-credit card Paypal payments or Google Checkout. Will ship it via USPS.
Any questions let me know!
It's in beautiful condition, I used it once the entire time I had it, preferred hand holding the lens myself, but great if you want to put your lens on a tripod.

I also have the box it came in, not that there's anything special about it, but I do have it
I can take non-credit card Paypal payments or Google Checkout. Will ship it via USPS.
Any questions let me know!
It's in beautiful condition, I used it once the entire time I had it, preferred hand holding the lens myself, but great if you want to put your lens on a tripod.

I also have the box it came in, not that there's anything special about it, but I do have it

You meant to say "offers" right???
lol yes I meant to say start the offers off... I'm not expecting the price to go up from there. Haha, didn't even realize I used that word.
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How much would that cost me (and it was USPS but I could do UPS or Fedex instead if it works easier overseas)... depending on how much it costs... maybe... If it's a lot more than I'm expecting, maybe not...
If you want to calculate shipping from Valparaiso, IN (46385) to wherever you are.... let me know how much that would be.
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- Rafael
I sold my 70-200 super quick, so I'm not worried about selling the tripod mount ring, I know it will go, I only put this up today so it' snot like it's been around for a while!
and ps- it's already on my local craigslist, lol
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