Wildlife wilderness week

Anyone going to the first weekend classes at wildlife wilderness week in pigeon forge tenn. i will be arriving late thursday night and plan on taking lots of pics friday and attending classes on saturday and sunday. If anyone would like to meet up on friday and take some pics let me know.:dunno :thumb
Was just down that way last week. My parents live just over the mountain in NC. I highly recommend Cades Cove, TN for some wildlife pictures Friday afternoon. It is an eleven mile loop threw a beautiful valley in the Smokey's! WIldlife, scenic, old buildings, and cemetaries are all there.
Here are a few from my trip threw last week.
#1 A large 8pt wondering threw the woods right at the entrance of Cades Cove.
#2 One of many cabins in the Cove. The John Oliver Cabin.
#3 Looking across the Cove valley into the SMokey Moutains.
#4 A six point was walking with two doe not far into the park.
"When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced... Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice"
Its a have too to visit cades cove when in the area. We live about 4 hours away and vistit the area several times a year. Nice pictures you took. Hopefully i will get some that good when i visit next weekend.