LPS 19 - Comments, criticism, help?
Howdy all, any thoughts on my entry? I've still got a little bit of time to make small changes or reshoot if necessary. Thanks in advance for any advice!


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This is very good!:D
I didn't even think of a raincoat, that's a good idea. Unfortunately I don't think I have anything but Gortex like hiking jackets which probably wouldn't look right. A silver or translucent rain slicker would probably have worked nicely though.
The blue glove was a lucky match to the color of the mentos box. I acutally tried photoshoping the glove to a green to get the third primary color in the picture but it actually seemed to clutter up the composition. I ended up liking the glove and the box colors matching as shot a lot better.
Oh, and as far as the "after" images go, measures were taken to ensure the mentos didn't actually end up in the diet coke. My lens was about 9 inches from the top of the bottle - would have been ugly!
Someone out shatched shatch...;)
Excellent job.
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch