Night Shots

The lighting from the clouds looked interesting so I thought I would try a few captures to see how it turn out. Had not taken any night shots with the D300 yet. To busy shooting birds with it. Lens 17-70mm Sigma 2.8 different shutter hold times.
Would like some feedback on them please.

Would like some feedback on them please.

Chris K. NANPA Member
Hi there DsrtVW, I love images #1 & #3.
The closeness of these two bridges, is that because one is for trains?
or are they both for vehicles?
The last shot is over exposed, but the more of these you do the better you get at it
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
There are three bridges, the one in the middle is a train bridge. Took shots on both sides of the train bridge. The one on the right is a brand new car bridge over the Carquinez Strait near San Francisco. The last one isover but it look different because of the daylight quality of it.
Thanks for the feedback