Raw Therapee
Does anyone has experience with Raw Therapee
I am trying it since the last 3-4 weeks and I am getting consistently better results than Bibble. Colors, definition and overall image quality are better. I almost refuse to believe this, I might not use Bibble right or Raw Therapee rocks! We should promote the developer because I am about to be convinced that its software is surprisingly good. Any thoughts? --JY
I am trying it since the last 3-4 weeks and I am getting consistently better results than Bibble. Colors, definition and overall image quality are better. I almost refuse to believe this, I might not use Bibble right or Raw Therapee rocks! We should promote the developer because I am about to be convinced that its software is surprisingly good. Any thoughts? --JY
I recently downloaded the program, haven't used it much but it looks good.
We need some nice weather here so I can really give it a try.
Raw Therapee does in fact, rock. Bibble also rocks. Different types of images respond better to different Raw converters. In addition, a user's skill also has a HUGE impact on final conversion. I remember a dpreview thread (can't find a linky now, sorry) in which a bunch of users tried to show their favorite raw converter (there were several) was best. And it was-- familiarity & skill played a huge role in final conversion quality. The actual brand of converter ended up being fairly unimportant!
I will say this about Bibble, based on my own experiences. First, it doesn't always handle very fine detail or very fine color gradations as well as some others. Second, it's "out of the box" conversion generally requires more tweaking than a lot of other converters. In addition Bibble has some "user-friendliness" and "undocumented feature" problems that we all hope will be fixed in version 5.
Having said all that, between the program and all it's plugins, Bibble is very full featured and allows for all kinds of adjustments that aren't available in other Raw converters. In addition, the developers are very responsive on the Bibble forum, and I assume in email as well. I've found that I can get my Bibble output to get pretty darn close to that of any other raw converter. The hard part is knowing what I want that final output to look like.
I don't know if any of this helps.
I largely agree with your assessment of Bibble. I had, still have great images with it but I was really impressed by the effort to get the same or better with RAW Therapee. The colors look a lot better especially in the highlights. Bibble workflow is not easy! And like you said, conversion without serious tweaking is average, at least for my style of picture.
Thanks for sharing --JY
Just used it amazing results
don't know about bible but i think i will be using this one rest of my life
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