where and what kind

of storage bag is best? Where can I pick one up? In general how much would I be looking to spend to get a decent one? I only have four lens's and the body so i dont have a ton of equipment
Very comfortable and plenty of room for those lenses.
unfortunetly, there are no local dealers and i hate waiting for shipping lol. I have looked at what they have available by lowepro at bestbuy.. were going to take a ride out there and see what we can find ((crosses fingers)) we had gone to wolf and ritz before and they are so dang expensive!
I have been using Lowe Pro for around 5 yrs now and love the various bags I have....that is backpack, 2 75AW's and the Rezo 170(for my KM A2)...You will find Best Buy expensive also.....I hate to wait on shipping also but I have my best deals for LOwe Pro on Ebay and the dealers I have dealt with were fantastic...bought both my 75AW's from a dealer in CAnada and Bought my Backpack from a USA dealer that was over 5 yrs ago and can't remember their name......and their was a dealer from the Denver area that was great to work with also.......and for waiting the dealer in Canada took the longest to get m7y product to me that around a week and a half but the USA dealers it was like 3-5 days after payment recieved and since most of my shopping is done in the late night or very early morn hours (before 5am) most had shipments gone the next morning (actually that morning if you get what I mean:D)
It shows on Bestbuy's website. So they may carry it in store. But you will pay more.
BestBuy for $79
Amazon for $37
Also I would stay away from Wolf/Ritz. I have been in the market for the Canon 10-22mm Lens for over a year now. We were at the mall a few days ago and I knew I was going to try and talk the powers that be(wife) into letting me buy it so to help convince here we went into Wolf Camera and asked the guy the price on the 10-22 from Canon. His response was $750 with the instant rebate. So when I got home I showed the wife the lens at B & H for $639. I now have that lens.
Back on subject it is a very nice bag and if they have it in store print up the page from Amazon and maybe they will honor that price.
thanks for the quick response... darnit.. dontcha know they dont have that bag in ANY of the local stores! ack ((smacks forehead)) the bestbuy is across the street from the arena im shooting at today so ill take a walk in there before the classes i want to shoot start and at least see what they have in stock pooey!
Do yourself a favor.....do not buy just big enuff to fit...buy large enuff to grow into....or else you will find yourself in the same bag (jest intended) as I was several years ago....I bought what my gear fit...then I bought more / different gear....bag wasn't nearly big enuff........so start out a tad bigger than you need....that way you have room to grow or to add extra batteries, cleaning wipes etc etc.......I bought my backpack for a trip to Prague in it I carried my 35mm oufit and a full med format system (body and 3 lenses) plus falsh and tons of batteries....this is a carry on bag and it was the largest carry on at the time...now I have 2 KM 7D's wirh lenses, flashes eight batteries (for the cameras) over 36 AA batteries (for flash or GPS), GPS unit and other necessities and I can see it getting to small for me when I get a couple more lenses (tele)..as of now both boies have 1 lens each attached at all times, but that will soon change withthe next system:D and Lowe does have 2 backpack larger that the one I currently own.....I also love the way the straps can be zipped into the back portion of the pack and it can be carried as piece of luggage.
Good Luck with you decision and also at the shoot today.
Search "gadget bag" or some other similar term on this site. There are dozens of threads on this subject.
Do you want a back pack or a shoulder bag? If a shoulder bag, do you want a boxy-type or a slimline? I've owned both Tamrac and Lowepro in recent years and both are great. Lots of folks on this site seem to like the Crumpler bags.
I have noticed recently that a number of large, online retailers had both 10% discounts and free shipping on Tamracs. Not sure if that's still going or not.
Whatever you buy, buy bigger than you need. You will grow into it.
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Bestbuy had it..they robbed me im sure (ouch $105 after taxes) It does have plenty of room to grow into. I thought about getting a different bag that was large enough to also hold a 17" laptop (getting a laptop in april) but it held like 10 lens's and was just HUGE... being a woman with an average build, usually carrying more than one bag (because of kids) i just couldnt validate having such a large bag... even the bag previously suggested (The one that says canon) had ALOT of places for different lens's but not such a great place for the camera itself (they had it there) Im very happy with this bag so far. it even has a built in rain bag..it did rain today at the arena (got postponed.. didnt get many shots pooey) and the rain bag worked out WONDERFULLY!
thanks for the suggestions and comments everyone, it sure was a big help in deciding.
I had one of these and really liked it. I overloaded it with equipment and the single strap became uncomfortable for me. Conceptually it's a great idea, well made, and cool looking. I'm sure you'll get lots of happy miles out of it.
I checked online prices. You paid little more for instant gratification.
Well done!
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The 200aw is nice...but the 300AW would ahve been more comfy.....most of the top line bags (sling bags, back packs and shoulder bnags all have re-arrangeable inserts ....not sure what else you carry (bag wise) but camera bags do multi duty...my backpack can hold my camera gear (unless I load all my gear {a lot of which is NOT lisated in my siggy} into it...it will hold a couple pairs of hiking shorts extra socks and t-shirts and as I said before, it was/is carry onable{airline carry on that is}.......but it sounds like you made a good choice for you.....
Now do yourself another favor.....do not go anywhere without it strapped on....Yeah Really....You have 30 days to make sure you love it and if you have any doubts Take it back.....the 300aw also has a waist belt to help take the strain off your shoulder and back, but is a lot bigger than the 200.......