what the heck is going on with my site?
Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
i just went to upload some images to my site (www.fotojafari.net or fotojafari.smugmug.com), and nearly all the galleries are being listed as empty, even though they are not! The site is responding rediculously slow, and half of the time when i go through www.fotojafari.net, i get the general smugmug homepage, and not my own.. some times when i am actually able to get my site to pull up, my custom css isnt there and the standard smugmug look shows up..
whats going on? did i miss some maintenance message or something?
whats going on? did i miss some maintenance message or something?
Are there any problems with the SmugServers? My site is running very slowly and intermittently displaying the main smugmug.com site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
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I have confidence as a nearly 4 year SM user that things'll be humming along again in minutes flat.
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