Critique my site please!
Hi everybody,
I've been working on my pro smugmug site for a few months. I'm still not sure If I want to create a theme of my own or leave my site as is. All comments and constructive criticism is welcome. I will not be offended by feedback, since I really want to improve my site in any way I can.
My Website - Machlin Imaging
I've been working on my pro smugmug site for a few months. I'm still not sure If I want to create a theme of my own or leave my site as is. All comments and constructive criticism is welcome. I will not be offended by feedback, since I really want to improve my site in any way I can.
My Website - Machlin Imaging
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Thanks for the advice. I thought the friend/family thing was removed, I don't see it when I look at my page logged out.
I had the breadcrumb removed before, and am debating on whether to leave it or get rid of it again. Since I am going to do more categorization (i.e. adding more events with multiple subcategories and galleries), I want it to be easy for customers to get back to the event's page (instead of having to go back with the back button). Do you think I should just add a "back one level button to bring you to the previous screen?
I like the look of your site. The one thing that I'd consider changing is the look of the photo and message in your guestbook. The blue blackground kind of jumped off the screen at me, and I'd prefer that the font used match that on the rest of the site. Maybe try a blue border around the photo as opposed to the entire blue background you are using now?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
If you have a drop-down navbar w/ everyone on it a breadcrumb isn't necessary. You can see what I mean w/ my site (not that it's perfect but I think I do okay w/out a breadcrumb):
Also when on the home page one should be able to click on the image to get someplace. A lot of people will click on it if they are not familiar with the navigation of SmugMug.
I also was seeing the friend and family item. It does not appear when one just goes to the website, but rather when one clicks on the Home button.
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