Cant load web site, goes to Smugmug

I assume there is A) a problem with SM, or
there is yet another problem with the new SS.
I just loaded my website, and the SS asked for a password. NOW, when I try to load my site, I get the Smugmug site.
Seriously - what gives?
I can't even fix this problem by going back to the old code as my laptop is at work with all my old code

I just loaded my website, and the SS asked for a password. NOW, when I try to load my site, I get the Smugmug site.
Seriously - what gives?
I can't even fix this problem by going back to the old code as my laptop is at work with all my old code
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
They have been having problems, this is the third time in a few days that this has happened.
I know they have been working on it... always post they are, and it is fixed pretty quickly.
I'll assume you mean the loading of smugmug instead of your (our) site(s), but what about the password box coming up with the new SS!?!
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
The other night, I was working on my site, most of my changes were fine when SMug was back up.
It freaked me out, thought I broke my site.
But it was SMug
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Loaded the site twice since your reply, first time it worked, the second time I got the smugmug site.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Yeah, mine went back to smugmug again after I replied, but now it's back again. Guess it's just a little unstable right now.
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they have to be working on it
the other night it was on/off a couple times. the next night, just off for a short time.
I could get to my site using an old link, my original smugmug nickname, that was not a custom host name. odd
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There's a message now at the top of the screen while browsing that they are working on fixing a problem.
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As always great news and I have no worries.
It might be nice once you have this problem fixed if Don or someone can add something either to here or maybe to his blog just to talk about why there seem to be a lot of issues the last few days.
If I remember correctly the last time this happened it had to do with a database issue.
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The banner is gone.
Quick fixing Don!
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
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