The war of the normal zoomrange!..Struggle to descide!

Hey..Looking for a new normalzoom for my K10D...from 16-70 or something like that.
It´s so hard to choose wich one to go with..Since all the ones i have looke on seems great.
So here is what im aiming for..
Sigma 17-70
tamron 28-75
pentax 16-45
pentax 16-50 ( rather expensive )
Wich one?? :O the sigma and the tamron are a bargain for the imagequality you get..So it feels like hard competition between them.
I have 1 more question..
On the pentax lenses..What does IF mean?... Internal focusing or something like that?. IS the new 16-50 solid while zooming and such?..Was thinking that many lenses expand when zooming...but there are some who don´t?.
Need some help in this jungle, so i would be very happy if i got some replys
Thanx for reading // Arvid
It´s so hard to choose wich one to go with..Since all the ones i have looke on seems great.
So here is what im aiming for..
Sigma 17-70
tamron 28-75
pentax 16-45
pentax 16-50 ( rather expensive )
Wich one?? :O the sigma and the tamron are a bargain for the imagequality you get..So it feels like hard competition between them.
I have 1 more question..
On the pentax lenses..What does IF mean?... Internal focusing or something like that?. IS the new 16-50 solid while zooming and such?..Was thinking that many lenses expand when zooming...but there are some who don´t?.
Need some help in this jungle, so i would be very happy if i got some replys

Thanx for reading // Arvid
Yes IF on a lens means Internal Focusing....meaning the lens barrel does not turn while focusing and mkes the use of certain filters much easier...
As for the actual focal lenght for you, you need to go play and try them aout at a camera is truly hard to tell how you will like the results until you put taht lens on a camera and try it out....If I had tried out my Siggy before ordering it I would not have bought it but would have looked for a lens taht met my criteria better.
Good Luck
HTH some
I like 18 mm...but i allso loke the barreldistorsion with 18 or below..So that part dosn´t bother me that much.
The thing is id like to see the different lenses with full tele / full wide..The looks of it..Much barrel going outside the lensbody..Gahh how can i explain this??...Hope you know what i mean...
Can you post a pic of the lens, or maby post a link to a site wich shows the picture?..
Thanx for reply was good to hear.
The only thing that I have to watch is blurr.. It is easy to blurr as it only gives 2.8 at 28... The minute you zoom, the values go down... Still a great lens though
The reason the DA* 16-50 is pricey is that it is weatherproof and has SDM focusing as well as traditional AF. It may be the best of the bunch if you get a good copy. Early models had slightly larger-than-expected focusing issues.
The Tamron is out of production, but rumors are that the model will be re-released within months. I have read good things about this one too.
The Pentax 16-45 is supposed to be quite sharp, but suffers from more CA than one would like. I would choose the DA*.
The Sigma I have also read positive and negative things about. My friend has it in the Nikon mount and the sharpness and rendering is fine; that said, I have also read about recurring back-focus issues. I admit to having a negative bias against Sigma lenses from reading more bad things about their quality, but if someone offered me a Bigma at the right price I would gladly purchase it.
Finally, let me ask you, what kind of shots are your planning to use this lens for? If you are thinking about significant landscapes, do consider the 12-24. It is pushing past my Pentax SMC 24mm as my favorite lens: incredibly sharp, accurate wide-angle rendering, and sweet color.
Well it seems like im going for the tamron 28-75 since i will be using this lens for "daily use ".. random portratis and so on. Multipurpouse lens i guess.
Allso going to ge myself something around 90 mm for the serious portratis.
Still 1 question is unaswerd..The 16-50..Does it stay in the same size even if zooming?. No ugly drainpipe coming out?..
Thanx guys..Very nice help indeed.
EDIT: You know I think I'm wrong here. I was just briefly skimming an article on the new Pentax 16-50 and 50-135 and it stated that the lens length does not change.
BTW: Hoya does not own Tokina. Their products are distributed in the US by the same firm (Kenko maybe) but they are independent operations. Tokina will use Hoya glass blanks for lenses, but so do just about all lens makers.
Several Pentax-branded lenses were co-designed with Tokina, but the Pentax products have some significant differences including, SMC coatings, SDM, and weatherproofing on the DA* models.
older style sigma
newer style (has the word "macro" in the name, larger diamater etc)
The DA* lenses are really nice though
Sony DSC-S85 (point and shoot)
Panasonic LX1
Olympus 770SW
In the market for a dslr
― Edward Weston