SmugDAV on OS X: Help!
Hi everyone!
Andy asked me to post this here.
I'm running Leopard on an Intel mini. Everything is up-to-date.
The first couple of times I try to open SmugDAV (<wbr>/ from the Finder (command-K), I eventually (after many many minutes) get a timeout error. After a few tries, or if the URL is listed in my recently-visited list in the Connect To Server... dialog box, it times out almost immediately. I have tried doing this with the OS X firewall turned on and off and there is no difference.
Does anyone have any insight into what I'm doing wrong?
Any help much appreciated!
Andy asked me to post this here.
I'm running Leopard on an Intel mini. Everything is up-to-date.
The first couple of times I try to open SmugDAV (<wbr>/ from the Finder (command-K), I eventually (after many many minutes) get a timeout error. After a few tries, or if the URL is listed in my recently-visited list in the Connect To Server... dialog box, it times out almost immediately. I have tried doing this with the OS X firewall turned on and off and there is no difference.
Does anyone have any insight into what I'm doing wrong?
Any help much appreciated!
Hi aquaticvideographer,
This may not help but I'm on an iMac 17" / G5 / OS X Tiger (10.4.11) and
it took 3 trys (each time asking for my name/password) no connect (after about a minute each) until the third try and that took about 20 seconds....
Do you have any FTP servers you can attempt connecting to?
Does it timeout before or after you enter your name/password?
Here's another thread on SmugDav...
firewalls?? <img src="" border="0" alt="" > - new with leopard?
Re: firewalls in OS X, Tiger has one, but the Leopard firewall has some new features. I'm pretty certain mine is configured properly, but you never know. Do you know of any FTP servers I could connect to? I don't have any trouble connecting to my friend's WebDAV server...
Interesting...I'm logged in to Tiger right now and I can connect no problem. So it may be a Leopard thing. Thanks for the insight!
I guess I will call AppleCare and see if they can sort it out for me.
Does anyone else know of any tricks to get Leopard to play nice with SmugDAV?
Here's an FTP address that I use from school to upload files to an offset printing firm..however, I don't have the password info here at home to pass on to you..but when I try it, I do get the name/password 'box' almost instantly:D
See if Tiger will get you in - as I said it did (does) work for me.
But if not the only other variable might be Intel vs. PowerPC, hmmm
Wish I could do more for you...
edit: I'm a slow beat me! least you're "in"
PS: Thanks for the info on firewalls - 3 years now and I still don't have a clue!
I'm seeing the same thing that you are, but other SmugMug employees are having no problems at all.
Not sure if it's the method I used to upgrade or not, I'm not really a mac expert but apparently there are multiple ways to upgrade.
Anyway, t's on my list of stuff to look at, when I get a chance.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos I am back in Leopard and it is occaisonally (like 1 out of every 15 connect attempts) asking me for my login and pw but it's still not logging in. ?!?
Every time I use that URL, I get asked for my login and pw. But it still goes nowhere. Does anyone have any other suggestions? I'd really like to be able to get this to work in Leopard.
Extra-extra weird! If I try, I get logged in to the SmugDAV server (once I enter my email address and SM pw) but no files show up! What the heck is going on?
[edit: any URL that ends in .../ seems to get a login window open reliably, but now not having any luck logging in.]
This is very helpful! Thanks. I will give Transmit a try. To follow up on my previous post, I tried calling AppleCare but they were unable to help me. :cry I have made an appointment at the local Genius Bar, perhaps I will cancel it
If I can't get Transmit or Goliath working, I will post back here.
Thanks JLW! I got Transmit working just fine, Goliath on the other hand just gives me the Spinning Beachball of Death.
I wish there were some free/open source software available for Leopard that would let me access SmugDAV--I don't want to pay for Transmit since I'm only going to need it in case of catastrophic failure. But it seems like a really slick utility, all the same. I guess if worse came to worse, I could reboot into Tiger, copy all of my pictures to a common directory and then re-open in Leopard.
Anyway..thanks again for the help! Maybe SmugDAV will one day work with my version of the Finder...
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
jlw, you rock!
We just got done with TV night and I fired up the Finder and amazingly it works! I could swear I tried just that the other day but I never got anywhere with it. And the weirdness of the SmugDAV volume mounting on my desktop without any corresponding files is yet to be explained. But whatever, I'm just happy i've got it working.
Thank you again!
Sadly, the other three galleries, all with identical settings to the one that displays (unlisted, password protected, etc.) do not appear at all. It's as though they don't exist.
For info, I'm using OS X 10.4.11 (Tiger), and the version of Transmit is 3.6.3.
Sure would like to see this working!
As I said, SmugDAV showed only one of four identically configured galleries. Turns out they were not completely identical; the gallery names had a slight difference.
I was using an 'en' dash (Option--, a.k.a. Option-hyphen or Option-dash) to separate parts of the gallery names. I just happened to screw up in one of the names and simply used a hyphen (-) instead. That is the one that showed up in WebDAV. When I changed the other three names, replacing the en-dashes with hyphens, they all showed up. Had I not made my initial error, I'd never have discovered this. :ivar
So anyone using anything but plain vanilla characters in their gallery names might benefit from giving them a rinse to see if it helps. (BTW, one of my gallery names contains parentheses, and WebDAV doesn't seem to mind.)
I hope this helps someone else!