Home made softbox I (10 pics !)

Antonio CorreiaAntonio Correia Registered Users Posts: 6,241 Major grins
edited January 9, 2008 in Technique
Sometimes when we look around we don't see the objects that may be useful to us to certain activities.
The plastic diskette box are history now and they are left in the corner of our houses/offices or end in the garbage.
I decided to build my own softbox from one of those boxes.
I thought I don't need to describe the process as I have shot enought pictures to show it.

The kees are kept at the back of the box just in case.:wink

If you would like to have a look at larger photos and the photos shots with this very box, please go to here.
The box is too heavy and needs someone to hold it. :cry
I am planning to build another one but I don't know if I will. :huh

Here are some shots with this box.
Thank you for looking. :D :thumb
All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook


  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited January 9, 2008
    Nice! I'd be interested in seeing a few more of the results shots (like your
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • Antonio CorreiaAntonio Correia Registered Users Posts: 6,241 Major grins
    edited January 9, 2008
    bowdown.gif Ian. I only have a few... but here they are:
    241205346-M.jpg . 241178860-M.jpg
    I know that the photo on the left/first is a little lauzy in terms of background, but he just wanted a very small picture with dark/black background...

    And also these here.
    All the best ! ... António Correia - Facebook
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