Baseball or softball ? Sorry but ive never even seen a game. I noticed the other day that there is a sports oval now also used for baseball a few miles from me so i will have to check it out this winter when the weathers better.
sorry ...that last line was out of order, but i cant help myself.
Baseball or softball ? Sorry but ive never even seen a game. I noticed the other day that there is a sports oval now also used for baseball a few miles from me so i will have to check it out this winter when the weathers better.
sorry ...that last line was out of order, but i cant help myself.
Gus here is something for you to cool down with when the temps go over +40C.
A bit of -40C.
And morrisphotography2003 I too am looking forward to my daughters baseball season.
Girls softball is a super sport to watch and shoot. Everything is so close in and the speed they get on those pitches is skeery :yikes
Nice to see so much green too. I was getting tired of all those indoor shots, or those snow scenes. Gimme that new mowed grass smell and that green color.
speaking of speed we have a 13 year old girl in the area that is throwing high 50's five years left before she goes to college, she wants Notre Dame go figure. I say she should go to California and play, I think they have better programes out in your neck of the woods. And yes I will get some shots of her this summer
Girls softball is a super sport to watch and shoot. Everything is so close in and the speed they get on those pitches is skeery :yikes
Nice to see so much green too. I was getting tired of all those indoor shots, or those snow scenes. Gimme that new mowed grass smell and that green color.
sorry ...that last line was out of order, but i cant help myself.
A bit of -40C.
And morrisphotography2003 I too am looking forward to my daughters baseball season.
and keep em coming.
Girls softball is a super sport to watch and shoot. Everything is so close in and the speed they get on those pitches is skeery :yikes
Nice to see so much green too. I was getting tired of all those indoor shots, or those snow scenes. Gimme that new mowed grass smell and that green color.
Put me in Coach, I'm ready ta play
Thanks for sharing,