Controversy: Last Challenge Entry

quite possibly for awhile.
Flower Power

I entered this one as of earlier

This is a subject that is close to my heart. I have followed the plight of these cute little guys here in South Florida for the past three years, they were one of my first captures with my new 20D.
A new park is being built and the city is in an uproar because these little guys chose to call there new park home. They are worried that the new Criquet field will be in question. News Story Here
Thanks for any input
Flower Power

I entered this one as of earlier

This is a subject that is close to my heart. I have followed the plight of these cute little guys here in South Florida for the past three years, they were one of my first captures with my new 20D.
A new park is being built and the city is in an uproar because these little guys chose to call there new park home. They are worried that the new Criquet field will be in question. News Story Here
Thanks for any input
btw, i like the little girl shot, the owl looks just like the other owls...:D
BTW...Last entry?
Some of My Photos:
I *think* he's refering to the fact that #20 is the final open challenge of LPS Version 1. Of course, I'm often wrong.
Best of luck to you!
I agree - if you got a good closeup in the last series, it would rock!!
The Owl
Good News
Thanks for your thoughts