Unexpected Hail Storm

:huh:huh:huh What is happening to the world hails like never before in our city its like it will start snowing in few years :huh:huh:huh
Kids who went to School in morning unprepared (All with Kit lens @f8 iso 400)

These kids who seems to be brothers were watching something that you can see in next images

Kids who went to School in morning unprepared (All with Kit lens @f8 iso 400)

These kids who seems to be brothers were watching something that you can see in next images

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We once had a huge hail storm, not like Sydney gets,
their hail stones can be as big as golf balls when they get them,
but we had one that made it look like it had snowed, it was so pretty
What a sight for town folks to see, the kids would have had a great time playing in it and getting soaked.
Guess the truck driver wasn't impressed though.
Nice work Awais, thanks for sharing
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Heh! I have seen hail 4" round. Take more then a umbrella to protect you. It is actually really, really scary seeing something that size and rock hard falling from the sky. Then again South Texas has strange weather and HUGE Thunderstorms like not place on earth I have been.
I have been through Thunderstorms that have thunder so strong it actually can knock things off of counters down here. Yeah, everything is big in Texas and the Storms are no different.
I really like the first tree Pic. Nice colors.
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