Yeah, the high clouds caught my eye too. I didn't do any post editing on this picture, but when I do, I use PhotoShop Elements. I like to play with clouds too sometimes. I do however always keep an original picture on a cd.
Split filter kind of effect? My eyes are going buggy, too.. I swear I saw.. no, nevermind. It has to have been all that compilation I've been doing tonight.
Youth and Enthusiasm
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Mind if i try my new top secret programme on it ?
Really nice, and I look forward to seeing more panoramic shots around the lake and such.
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Regards, Eric
Here's a tonite's panorama (sorry for jackin' ya!)
I dont see any change....
What did you do to it?
Are No Match For
Age and Treachery
Regards, Eric
CA. The lake you see in the distance is Crystal Springs Reservoir.
Nice to see you are back. Or maybe it's me thats been gone....
I was joking about the change thing refering to the word DEMO stamped on it a hundred times.
Regards, Eric