I've seen some of those things about 9" long. When I was a kid my aunt hated those things and would pay me 25 cents for each one I would shoot with my bb gun. I would go out and shot 10-12 make sure they were dead then go get her to show her. After a while she didn't want to see them so she would say here's five bucks go kill some slugs. I was one big bad hunter
"My dad taught me everything I know, unfortunately he didn't teach me everything he knows" Dale Earnhardt Jr
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Ewww.. I'm not sure what I was expecting from the title! I saw banana.. not the 'slug' part lol. Lovely photo from the brief moment I looked at it.. until I realized it was a little slimy creature! I just can't bring myself to look at him too closely! lol I'm such a girl!
"Take my picture, Tonight I feel beautiful..."
-Marilyn Monroe
I finally found one when I was shooting fall leaves. I took a few photos of the slug among the leaves on the ground, then found a branch and kind of got it on the branch and had poor hubby hold it in the air for me so I could get more shots of it.
A few weeks later we saw some smaller skinnier ones not too far from the edge of the road.
I must admit they sure are strange looking critters. I have no idea what they feel like because I didn't touch the slug.
At least they don't move very fast, so they make great subjects. I understand you can see them along the coast into the Pacific Northwest. They are various colors too.
You need a small f-stop to get it in focus. I think now I'd use my telephoto, but at the time I didn't have one.
I saw a mailbox on the side of the road with the slug featured. Only if you ask nicely will I try to find the photo and post it for you
What a beast! I've never seen one of these before David.
It doesn't look ugly though, love the under part of the body we can just see as it glides along.
Oh yes...these are quite prevelant here in Oregon! They can wreak havoc in a garden. My brother was quite the slug hunter, growing up, too! This one doesn't seem to have spots...maybe that's a maturity thing?
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
Hopefully you saved that cash for camera gear!!
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
-Marilyn Monroe
Aren't they fun? It's a mascot of one of our schools out here in California (no nasty comments, please!)
I finally found one when I was shooting fall leaves. I took a few photos of the slug among the leaves on the ground, then found a branch and kind of got it on the branch and had poor hubby hold it in the air for me so I could get more shots of it.
A few weeks later we saw some smaller skinnier ones not too far from the edge of the road.
I must admit they sure are strange looking critters. I have no idea what they feel like because I didn't touch the slug.
At least they don't move very fast, so they make great subjects. I understand you can see them along the coast into the Pacific Northwest. They are various colors too.
You need a small f-stop to get it in focus. I think now I'd use my telephoto, but at the time I didn't have one.
I saw a mailbox on the side of the road with the slug featured. Only if you ask nicely will I try to find the photo and post it for you
What a beast! I've never seen one of these before David.
It doesn't look ugly though, love the under part of the body we can just see as it glides along.
Interesting shot
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography