There was a three flash set up for this image.
One big softbox as a main light, one flash for back ground and one flash was supposed to be a hairlight on a right hand side, but as you can see it points to the knee of this model
i think you achieved what you were trying to do without the photoshop'd lens flare. at best it adds a cheese factor to most images...i think it takes away from your model.
would like to see more from this series...good stuff
Nice first post too. I like the lens flair and the wind action in the hair.
My Smug Gallery
There was a three flash set up for this image.
One big softbox as a main light, one flash for back ground and one flash was supposed to be a hairlight on a right hand side, but as you can see it points to the knee of this model
-Marilyn Monroe
would like to see more from this series...good stuff
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
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My equiment: Nikon D50, Nikon D300, SB-600, 30mm 1.4, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 70-200mm 2.8
The images I see...
Nice post. Welcome aboard.