I can't speak for Nikon but you have another choice too. You could look
into the Eye-Fi as an alternative. This is a nice little SD card that can be
installed in a SD to CF adapter.
I had the opportunity to try one out and it's definitely worth it. I know
that the SmugMug party did use Eye-Fi to transfer photos as they were
Eye-Fi is available from amazon.com.
Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
Thanks... I checked it out. It's a cool gadget, and the price is certainly a lot friendlier than the WT-4, but I need to shoot in raw format, and according to Eye-Fi's website:
The Eye-Fi Card currently supports JPEG photo uploads. Non-JPEG content can be stored on the Eye-Fi Card like a standard SD memory card, but only JPEG photos will upload.
Still, might be a great solution for a lot of people.
What if you shoot a combo fo Raw+jpg.....would it then transfer the jpg and keep the raw....light room will work on jpg now also
Myabe one of the GURU's from the Smug Party that used the EYE-FI will chime in and clairify this point.
It's not for the faint of heart. There are other ways to use this including the Thumbnail Selector and I think Capture NX but I have not bothered with those. I use FTP.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> You need to understand and be able to configure secure networking and an FTP server. Because of issues with DHCP, I've got hard coded profiles documented and setup. I have a primary and a backup laptop at events and two WT4s. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I like using FTP and have used both Windows built-in FTP server and Mozilla for a W7 home machine which cannot run IIS. You need to understand how to configure security for your FTP server and your wireless network so that others have appropriate access. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I have several D3s and configure them differently depending on the event. If's is a static print-only shoot, I use med jpg and the print operator prints 4x6 or 5x7s within seconds with Express Digital. If I'm roaming, I shoot RAW + JPG and auto send is off on the WT4. I select the images I want to send to the print operator and you can configure so only the JPG is sent. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> You have to be DEAD ON with your color and exposure if you are attempting to do this because there is no time for staff to edit and print. If you are requested to shoot candids wirelessly, your reputation is made based on your ability to create beautiful images on the fly with accurate color and exposure when you are not shooting with a static light setup. <o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> I find that I have to go stand near the router for a few minutes to get all the images transferred when I’m roaming a large area. Normal transfer time for a med jpg when I’m within 30 feet of the router is about 3 to 5 seconds. You need a VERY good commercial wireless router - consumer routers don't really have the range.<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> John www.johnhudsonphotography.com<o:p></o:p>
Wireless tether at event, selling downloaded images onsite
I am wondering if the technology has improved in the past few years to be able to shoot a sporting event using the wireless transmitter. I would like to be able to have the jpeg's available for viewing and selling the download version via my SmugMug. I have read of problems and unreliability with the technology in the past. Does anyone have any experience shooting and selling this way. I would not be able to be tethered because I need to be able to move around. My main focus is indoor club volleyball, the smaller local weekend tournaments. The goal would be for the customer to purchase on site and in an efficient manner.
into the Eye-Fi as an alternative. This is a nice little SD card that can be
installed in a SD to CF adapter.
I had the opportunity to try one out and it's definitely worth it. I know
that the SmugMug party did use Eye-Fi to transfer photos as they were
Eye-Fi is available from amazon.com.
What if you shoot a combo fo Raw+jpg.....would it then transfer the jpg and keep the raw....light room will work on jpg now also
Myabe one of the GURU's from the Smug Party that used the EYE-FI will chime in and clairify this point.
But I think the OP wants to get the raw file onto the laptop. That doesn't work.
you're golden.
You need to understand and be able to configure secure networking and an FTP server. Because of issues with DHCP, I've got hard coded profiles documented and setup. I have a primary and a backup laptop at events and two WT4s. <o:p></o:p>
I like using FTP and have used both Windows built-in FTP server and Mozilla for a W7 home machine which cannot run IIS. You need to understand how to configure security for your FTP server and your wireless network so that others have appropriate access. <o:p></o:p>
I have several D3s and configure them differently depending on the event. If's is a static print-only shoot, I use med jpg and the print operator prints 4x6 or 5x7s within seconds with Express Digital. If I'm roaming, I shoot RAW + JPG and auto send is off on the WT4. I select the images I want to send to the print operator and you can configure so only the JPG is sent. <o:p></o:p>
You have to be DEAD ON with your color and exposure if you are attempting to do this because there is no time for staff to edit and print. If you are requested to shoot candids wirelessly, your reputation is made based on your ability to create beautiful images on the fly with accurate color and exposure when you are not shooting with a static light setup. <o:p></o:p>
I find that I have to go stand near the router for a few minutes to get all the images transferred when I’m roaming a large area. Normal transfer time for a med jpg when I’m within 30 feet of the router is about 3 to 5 seconds. You need a VERY good commercial wireless router - consumer routers don't really have the range.<o:p></o:p>
I am wondering if the technology has improved in the past few years to be able to shoot a sporting event using the wireless transmitter. I would like to be able to have the jpeg's available for viewing and selling the download version via my SmugMug. I have read of problems and unreliability with the technology in the past. Does anyone have any experience shooting and selling this way. I would not be able to be tethered because I need to be able to move around. My main focus is indoor club volleyball, the smaller local weekend tournaments. The goal would be for the customer to purchase on site and in an efficient manner.
Thank you,