1st Weekly PhotoShop Challenge

Hi Gang,
I don't know if there is any such thing so I just made that up. Doesn't seem like a bad idea though.
Anyway, my challenge has been to remove the pavement from the attached photo, and others like it, while leaving the natural shadows with their soft edges intact so it all looks realistic.
Ive spent hours and hours on this and nothing I've tried has produced acceptable results. A couple of DGrinners provided some solutions but I can't get them to work. I'm sure they're great solutions and I thank them, but my understanding and execution is probably flawed beyond hope.
So, if anyone wants to take on the challenge, and they get acceptable results and provide me with easy to understand, replicatable, step by step instructions on how to accomplish this, then I will reward them with $1,000,000 in virtual and imaginary cash, really big hugs if they are willing to pay their own way to San Diego, and a ton of highly greatful "thank you"s either in one lump sum or spread out in installments, their choice.
I've llinked to the X2 sized image but if I need to do something else to provide an acceptable downloadable image to work on let me know and I'll do whatever I need to do.
Thanks in advance and good luck to all of those who take on this challenge.
Chuck Cannova
I don't know if there is any such thing so I just made that up. Doesn't seem like a bad idea though.
Anyway, my challenge has been to remove the pavement from the attached photo, and others like it, while leaving the natural shadows with their soft edges intact so it all looks realistic.
Ive spent hours and hours on this and nothing I've tried has produced acceptable results. A couple of DGrinners provided some solutions but I can't get them to work. I'm sure they're great solutions and I thank them, but my understanding and execution is probably flawed beyond hope.
So, if anyone wants to take on the challenge, and they get acceptable results and provide me with easy to understand, replicatable, step by step instructions on how to accomplish this, then I will reward them with $1,000,000 in virtual and imaginary cash, really big hugs if they are willing to pay their own way to San Diego, and a ton of highly greatful "thank you"s either in one lump sum or spread out in installments, their choice.
I've llinked to the X2 sized image but if I need to do something else to provide an acceptable downloadable image to work on let me know and I'll do whatever I need to do.
Thanks in advance and good luck to all of those who take on this challenge.
Chuck Cannova

unable to use it. Why? Which steps are you having problems with? I hope you
don't expect people to do this for you just because you put "challenge" in the
thread title. Most of us do have a three digit IQ, you know? Wink wink, nudge nudge.
Another suggestion took me into areas of PhotoShop that I am not familiar with and I did not fully understand the instructions so I botched that.
Both suggestions can be seen in the thread Major Challenge (At Least for Me).
I don't expect anybody to do anything they don't want to do, but if someone, no matter their IQ, wants to fool with it and they find a solution, I'd be most appreciative.
If no one wants to mess with it, that's ok to. I'm just throwing it out to people far wiser than I. I thought that was the purpose of the forum. The challenge thing was pretty much all in jest, as should be evident, and shouldn't be taken all that seriously.
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I'm going to replace the background. I think the pavement is ugly and takes away from the beauty of the cars, which is what I'm trying to highlight, and I'd like to either replace it or eliminate it some how but keep the shadows as the shadows are what keeps the car visually on the ground and not floating in mid air.
More about what I am trying to accomplish is at http://chuckinsocal.smugmug.com/gallery/4149828
Thanks for responding.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Which areas are those?
I wasn't suggesting you expected it, but perhaps you at least hoped for it, eh?
The purpose of the forum is to learn and to share knowledge with others.
If you want to learn how to do the things you're asking about, then please
help us help you learn them.
Of course not.
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
Be nice; I'm on a laptop with a trackpad. Not the most accurate way of doing things
... but my goal is to put the cars in a more colorful and creative back ground. See http://chuckinsocal.smugmug.com/gallery/4149828 for a better idea of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Thanks again.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
That's real close to perfect!!!
Can you share your technique? I have a gut feeling that I've over complicated the issue and overlooked the obvious (I hate it what I do that).
Thanks so much.
Chuck Cannova
Artistically & Creatively Challenged
I have, however, made a PDF tutorial showing the process in detail.
If you want the PDF, about 960k, email me and ask for Buick tut.
leuallen at mchsi . com (fix to send)