"disk space used" stat
If I add up the contents of every directory full of photos I've uploaded to Smugmug in the past week, the total size of all those photos is about TEN TIMES the figure that my Smugmug control panel reports under "disk space used".
Just wondering... why the difference?
Just wondering... why the difference?
Frankly, we simply haven't been updating that number properly since we offer unlimited storage.
That's the sort of reason I can understand. Thanks Sheaf!
Why list that statistic if it's known to be innacurate. Would it not be better to remove it entirely?
Is the number in the Bulk Backup accurate?
I have
Bulk Backup - Size of this Backup request: 1928 MB
Control Panel Stats- disk space used: 2.23 GB
Pretty close
That number will be far below the actual disk space used because it only takes into account originals. We store the originals and up to 8 additional sizes (X3, X2, XL, L, M, S, Th, Ti). And, of course, we store multiple copies of the originals.
I'll see about getting one of the Sorcerers to update the number or remove it entirely from the Control Panel.
As far as I am concerned, I'm happy with just the total size of my originals and wouldn't mind shoowing that in stats (as an addition or replacement, if the old way doesn't work any more).