Insuring camera gear?
Do you insure your gear? Right now I have a floater policy through my homeowners and I need to read the fine print to see if it will cover my camera gear. If it doesn't, who do you insure your camera gear through?
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I have a rider with my homeowners policy for my camera equipment. I currently pay about $150 a year for approximately 15,000 in replacement cost.
Each time I buy a new piece of equipment, I take the invoice to the insurance company and added to the list.
While it is pricier than many homeowner's policies that I have seen people mention, I felt better about a policy that was at least in theory designed around photographers. They have a blanket coverage for items with individual values under $500, so you don't have to itemize every filter, memory card, battery, etc. They also have rental coverage for anything that you rent or borrow. For me the shooting I do seems to line up more with the mission of NANPA than with the mission of the PPA, so that also played a part in my decision.
You mean the North American Numbering Plan Administration?!?
No, I mean the North American Nature Photography Association
"Mysterious Disappearance." : Any claim made against your policy that is not backed up by a police report.
"Photography is a medium of formidable contradictions. It is ridiculously easy and almost impossibly difficult." Edward Steichen
Actually, most insurers in the homeowner business offer a "Home Based Business" endorsement to a homeowner policy that extends personal property coverage to the property used in the business, and also extends general business liability coverage to the same business. It's way less expensive than any separate policy.
Natural selection is responsible for every living thing that exists.
D3s, D500, D5300, and way more glass than the wife knows about.
I looked into that, and Allstate (our homeowner's policy) does not. Neither does State Farm, which is where I bought the biz insurance. Maybe more independant companies do.
Geico uses third party insurers for their renters insurance, and in my case its Travelers, but all my dealings are through Geico.
They also have great customer service. I needed an endorsement to shoot at a local drag strip and had it emailed to me with the details of the location and its ownership in less than 30 minutes on the phone with a pdf emailed to me. I'm sure there are other good providers of photography business insurance, but make sure you check them out and they know about the high cost and small size of some of our equipment.
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