HDR in CS3 not working well
When doing HDR in CS3, the process can get as far as saving the temp HDR file. Then get error report that says: Error 8000, Cannot open file because open options are incorrect. (I understand that CS3 must save in a tempfile and reopen a working file with different bit depth)
File is saved as PhotoshopHDRtmpa00XXX.PFM in my local setting/temp directory.
This file cannot be opened in CS3 (file incorrect type) but CS2 will open and convert it to PSD.
Does anyone know a way to fix this PITA problem?
Thanks in advance.
File is saved as PhotoshopHDRtmpa00XXX.PFM in my local setting/temp directory.
This file cannot be opened in CS3 (file incorrect type) but CS2 will open and convert it to PSD.
Does anyone know a way to fix this PITA problem?
Thanks in advance.
New pictures at LewLortonphoto.com
I'm using CS3 10.0 on a G5 PPC without problems. I can generate HDRI images without problem.
I would suggest re-installing Your copy of PS.