Nephew's Baptism
Registered Users Posts: 49 Big grins
Hello everyone! This is my first people shoot since I bought an external flash. Boy what a differnce it makes. I was unable to bounce it off the ceiling so it is directed right at the subjects. I used shutter priority as it seemd to give the best shots in a dark church.. any suggestions as to what else I could have done to make the shots better? thanks!
Nikon D50
consider removing the watermark or moving it to the bottom
I'm assuming that between the baby's eyebrows that those are scratches-
you might consider a little touchup work-
I had it set to 50 on the S mode, with iso 400.. was that right? it is a VERY tall cathedral, the bounce flash did nothing
Thanks for the comments!!!
Well, ISO 400 would be very tough for a tall cathedral. I shoot basketball games that have tall celings and have to set ISO to 1600. You could probably get al kinds of different lighting if it's vaulted which would make for an interesting picture. If there is a back wall, you can point the flash backwards and bounce off a wall. It would also help if you tell us the lens and the fastest aperture of the lens. Even some your non flash pictures could benefit from higher ISO if 400 was all you shot.
You may not like the ISO at 1600, but if it's properly exposed, it doesn't show up that bad and it's not as noticeable on 4x6 prints as it is blown up on a computer screen. Next time in a situation like this, try bumping up the ISO. My personal taste, shooting flash straight on is a last resort. I would rather have noise and better lighting with higher ISO than low noise but straight on flash. Don't get me wrong, you did a great job with exposure as the faces don't look burned out like many do in this situation. I am just saying you didn't try everything to get bounce lighting to work if that was your goal. While the church may have a high ceiling, all churches have walls and there is noting in the rules that says you can't move your subject to an area of the church and bounce the light off the wall. That creates some interesting looking lighting as well and makes it look like studio lighting.