AppleTV 2 works with Flickr... Smugmug too?
Hi, I just saw the keynote from MacWorld and Steve Jobs showing how AppleTV2 works and that it's also integrated with Flickr. Can I use AppleTV2 with Smugmug too?
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Personally, I'm not entirely sold on browsing photos on TV's.
What about watching HD videos on TVs? That's what I want.
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Yes... Already did. Hope they will do something about it.
I think I saw that you and the MacAskill clan playing Rock Band on probably an XBox 360 or PS3. I really have to recommend that you find somebody who has a Wii and pop in an SD card with a bunch of photos on it, then fire up the Photo Channel. It is actually a really simple, yet fun and compelling way to view (and interact) with photos (and it's wicked fast).
I liked this funny cartoon "behind-the-scenes" discussion about the development of the app:
I can see slideshows being a great thing to watch on a TV, but I'm not sold on the rest of the browsing experience. It's kind of like playing first-person shooters on a game console. Without a mouse, it just feels clunky and awkward (and it turns out that mouse-users absolutely dominate console-controller-users when they face off).
AJAX + Stretchy has completely changed the way I browse photos. I'm incredibly addicted to getting a huge main image with tons of thumbnails and clicking thumbnails all over the place. Of course I have a couple of very large monitors and a fast internet connection though.
Fortunately for you AppleTV fans, I'm in the minority here at SmugMug. Most of the rest are chomping at the bit to integrate with it.
Have you ever honestly sat down with the grandparents or some other distant family that you're visiting and shown them some shots? I used to be the same mind set... then I had an opportunity to plug my 20D into my parents big screen TV and show them the shots we took in zion and grand canyon. Even at SD resolution, this was the first time I'd seen them outside of chimping, and I was quickly able to spot some of the best ones in there. Now I pack that stupid cable every time we go on a trip. Already used it a couple more times to show large groups of folks a "slide show" of something... one time the grandparents and aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews and all the shots of the house we had just bought... another the vacation snaps of a trip we were coming back from when we stopped to see them. It's not something I'd do if I had my mac at hand, but when you're outside your normal environment, and need to do a quick and dirty show for a large number of folks, it's a lot better than running to somewhere to get a bunch of prints of images site unseen, or trying to huddle around the lcd on the back of your camera, or dealing with an unknown computer (if they even have one). It's like the modern day slide show... only not as boring (i hope) and a lot quicker and easier.
btdt, bcc'd you for your amusement.
I might also call them tomorrow and make a second request "in person".
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Step1: Enable ssh (what's this? Look at:
Step2: Install CouchSurfer. This is a web-browser for AppleTV Take2. Want details? See:
I tested the above browser by visiting and then browsing sample themes. The slide shows come up just fine. Since the slideshows seem to have been implemented without flash, only the basic CouchSurfer installation is required. You don't have to bend over backwards to install flash.
Hope this helps.
So I did a quick search and couldn't find anything about apple tv (granted my search abilities are probably weak), so sorry in advance if this is posted elsewhere. Any possibility of SmugMug interfacing with AppleTV? I just purchased AppleTV and noticed it is "F word" compatible, but am hoping at some point it will work with the "S word" too! Any thoughts?
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Sorry I wasn't able to find this post...thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Anyone have an appropriate e-mail address for apple to provide feedback regarding this? Thanks again.
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Please tell me there's some movement on this.
You guys rock...
Oi! I just saw this request.
thank you
I'm sorry there's no update
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Roku has announced they will show Flickr photos.
Does SmugMug have plans to get into AppleTV and Roku devices ?
Do we actually know what needs to be done to get into those boxes ?
With Roku opening up to many different services, it would be great to get SM on their device as well. It would make showing my parents our pictures so much easier.
Fuji X shooter
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Yeah, I second the Roku idea! Several members of my family are using Rokus with FaceBook's photos, and their compression stinks!
I'll add my vote to Roku. I'm viewing my popular photo rss feed vs. the FrameChannel channel, but I'd sure like to pick any gallery directly through the roku box. It would be great when relatives visit. I really enjoy seeing my photos on the big screen. gs
Oh, and if I had an apple TV too. I'm sure you can stream photos to your TV without having apple TV unit thing, it'd just be a bigger hassle.
But, imagine you went on a marvelous trip to the Bahamas. Well, you come back with loads of photos to show your family and friends. Have everyone come over, chilling on the couch watching your photos of your trip scroll by. A lot better than being crowded around the computer, am I right?
I bought my dad AppleTV and share some photos via Flickr (I wish I could say smugmug). He loves it. Every time I visit, we spend time and go through old snaps on AppleTV with nice jazz music which starts playing automatically. I've seen few other TV-like implementations are they all suck. AppleTV turned this into another level and make photo sharing much more interesting.