I like the way this image gives me the sense of being deserted or forgotten. Very well done. If I had to take this picture, I might have gotten closer to the ground and dropped the horizon a bit. by shooting at a lower angle you might have gotten all the crosses in the shot while revealing a bit more of the sky for a more "balanced" feel. That's just my opinion, and may be way off base.
According to the EXIF, it was shot with a focal length of 18mm, so fairly wide angle, yes.
I like this shot, wfeller. It really does have a desolated and forgotten feel to me I also like the b/w conversion. The only thing that bothers me *slightly* is the darker grassy area in the bottom left corner. It seems to be darker as opposed to anywhere else in the photo.
Splendid i like it very much !
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In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Good job, and very nice!
North View Studio
Montreal, Canada
I like this shot, wfeller. It really does have a desolated and forgotten feel to me I also like the b/w conversion. The only thing that bothers me *slightly* is the darker grassy area in the bottom left corner. It seems to be darker as opposed to anywhere else in the photo.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug