True Color vs. Auto Color: Landscapes/Nature Pics
So I'm planning on printing a few pictures of landscapes to show for sale at a local cafe. I'm not sure if I should use True Color or Auto Color. From reading the SmugMug documentation/help it seems like Auto Color is best for correcting skin tones and that sort of thing. Will it help my landscapes as well? :scratch (I've also got a few pictures of starfish and whatnot...)
I should say that I've fiddled with the pictures in Aperture a bit, turning up saturation and some basic things like that.
Any insight is much appreciated!
I should say that I've fiddled with the pictures in Aperture a bit, turning up saturation and some basic things like that.
Any insight is much appreciated!
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Thanks Andy, I will make sure and do that...once I figure out how.
edit: Just for my information, what exactly is the difference when applied to landscape/nature pictures vs. portraits? And, if I ordered both, how much of a difference would I see? (My monitor's not calibrated or anything...)
In general, portraits (save for the eyes) get less sharpening than landscapes. Soft skin!
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Sorry, I think I was unclear. What is the difference between true and autocolor with respect to landscape/nature photos? What does autocolor "correct" in landscape pictures?