SOLD: Brand New Canon PIXMA Pro9000 Printer
For sale is my Brand New (never out of box) Canon Pixma Pro9000. I'll include a copy of the original receipt for warranty purposes.
Price is SOLD.
Rafael Sanchez
Price is SOLD.
- I'll only ship to the US and Canada..
- Paypal Users add 3% or Google Checkout is free until 02-01-08..
- Local Pick is prefered..
Rafael Sanchez

Rafael S.
i have the pro9500, but i also want the 9000 for doing glossy prints...
anyway, i wont be surprised if someone buys this today...
300 shipped right?
i assumed you got the printer with the $400 rebate offered by canon and since it was nothing out of your pocket it was net:D
looks like the box has been opened?
when did you purchase this printer?
and where?
I'm located in San Jose, Ca 95139 if anyone want to run their own shipping quote.
3 more days before charges start being add to Google Checkout.
Receipt with date, price, and my full name.
Inks are still sealed!