Logging in issue

As ive mentioned in the mac thread...my mac wont stay logged into my SmugMug account.
However i have found that when i open my SM page..& notice that once again im logged out without me logging out, i simply click on any public album & then return back out & whalla ! Im logged back in.
Whats that about ?
However i have found that when i open my SM page..& notice that once again im logged out without me logging out, i simply click on any public album & then return back out & whalla ! Im logged back in.
Whats that about ?
Are you using your custom domain by any chance? Make sure to use only the smugmug.com addresses for logging in/out.
Let me know if the custom domain is not an issue here
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
I am new to Smugmug. I am on a pc and noticed the same thing about logging in and out. I noticed this because I was told to check to see how my page looks when I was not logged in. When I went to my galleries page, I was logged out, but when I went back to my homepage I was logged in. My concern is that when someone logs in with my domain, will the same thing happen? Will they be able to edit my pages?
Thanks for any clarification.