Question about ordering gifts
Currently my customers order their prints from me. However, I would like for them to have the option to be able to order the gifts from you. Is there any way to set this up so that they cannot order prints but can order the gifts? Also, Is there a way I can use your gift catalog without the print information at the top?
Currently my customers order their prints from me. However, I would like for them to have the option to be able to order the gifts from you. Is there any way to set this up so that they cannot order prints but can order the gifts? Also, Is there a way I can use your gift catalog without the print information at the top?
Sure, you can offer just the gifts using the Custom Pro Pricing. You need to set the print pricing to 0.00 to turn them off and then price the gift items. You can find more information on setting the pricing here:
You can use our catalog information by doing a little customizing. Go to the catalog page and right click on the page. Click on 'view source' to see the coding for the page. Copy the HTML just for the gift section. Create a new gallery and paste that coding into the gallery description between open and close html tags. ie. html and /html
Then you can tweak or change the catalog around to suit your needs.
If you need help with this, be sure to check out the customization forum.
Create a post in there and someone will be able to help you get things going if you have questions or problems.
Thanks! I just love the gifts you guys offer.