Why can't I see which photos I'm uploading?

Which uploader is it that shows the mini versions of the pics in folders that you are trying to upload? I KNOW I used to do this, then I switched to old faithful to upload a video and can't figure out the old way. I thought it was the simple version, but now I'm seeing the JPG icon and not the little thumbnail of the pics when I'm browsing folders. I have to be something dumb...I usually am. I just need help figuring out what that is. LOL
Can I get you to take a screen shot so that we can see what is going on?
You might need to follow the steps here to restart the java install: http://www.smugmug.com/help/add-photos-problems.mg
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Jan, You are probably set to show Icons. Changing it to Thumbnails as Denise said should fix the problem.
Funny, I always assume that right click is an option until I try it and it doesn't work!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Denise, using the Simple Uploader....
your suggestion to right click to turn on thumbnails only works at the the stage of the upload process where you have already selected the images to upload and, they are shown in the box and then click "upload". Before you GET to that point, If you are browsing / navigating through your computer folders for your photos and, reach the folder the photo/s you want to upload are located in......
there is no option for viewing the images in that folder in any way other than list or details view. Maybe that's what the original post was asking? I'm not sure but, it would really help if one could visually see the list of images in thumnail view in the window in the browsing stage of the upload.
Again, using simple uploader.
Any suggestions?
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!
If you go to the bottom, "try a different uploader" then choose simple again, then change the url from applet=9 to applet=7 and give that a try. It's not one of our routine uploaders but you can see the thumbnails there.
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I use the Drag & Drop uploader, and since I am uploading from an operating system folder, I can change my view of that folder to thumbs.
The important thing is the selection of the photos. I do not need to see which photo is uploading at the current moment - and I always check my gallery after the upload completes.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
THAT works! It's not the way I am used to, but this way will suit me just fine. Thanks!!