Smugmug down again!?

Looks like we're in read-only mode again, I'm getting the error message at the top of my page.
Any ETA on restoration of service?
Any ETA on restoration of service?
Scott Walter Photography
Please keep in mind, we have read only mode so that your images are served up. Yes, you can't add/edit/buy or any of that but your sites are available for viewing.
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I freaked out for a second because I was editing the description of one of my galleries when it went down.
I hate to join the nay-sayer crowd, but as a nearly FOUR YEAR user of Smugmug, indeed I have never experienced as much down time as we have begun to see in 2008.
If there is ONE thing that could possibly in a million years force me to leave this photo host that I absolutely love and don't believe any other host comes close to offering the same services, it is this.
New features are great, and I know that whenever Smugmug does go down it is back up in record-breaking time, but there comes a point at which it is a deal-breaker, especially for professionals...
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Read-only mode doesn't appear to work when trying to access via custom domain names. That is a major issue for pros who use custom domains on their advertising and such.
The custom domain name mapping does not seem to work whenever SmugMug is in read-only mode. If you goto <nickname>, you will be able to view the photos, but not make any changes.
I agree with Walter.
I'm hoping it'll come up soon.
How did I find out it was down when I woke up this morning? Yet again, it was a wedding coordinator client who called me this morning saying that she had referred her client to my site but it was down and she asked me will I be fixing it and when will it be up. In the meantime, she's going to stop referring people to my site.
There's a lot of face saving issues when recommendations are made their reputation is at stake here too, not just mine.
I am also due to shoot a fashion show this evening and the organizers were asked to have a look at the recent shots I did for New York celebrity fashion designer Indashio. I hate to think they are trying to access the gallery as I'm typing this.
Power to the SM engineers to get this fixed quickly. I can possibly withstand a 24 hour downtime max.
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OK, now to call/email all those other people .... with apologies/explanations/promises that it will not happen again, etc.... sigh.
Any freebies/makeup in future for your loyal Pro customers?