Around Guatemala in 2wks...
Visiting Guatemala was a whole new experience for me. I had a lot of fun going around the country and taking pictures. More pictures are at my Smugmug page. Any comment appreciated. Thanks!
We headed ~3hrs west from Guatemala City to Panajachel. The town is located on the shore of Lake Atitlan.

Around the lake, there are small Mayan villages. People seemed happy there and they were really friendly.

Near Coban (Central Guatemala), there is a rain forest called Sumec Champey. After steep climb on the trail, this view of limestone pool opened up. River runs underground.

Going further north, on the way to Tikal ruins, we stopped by Flores.

From Flores, Tikal ruin was just 1hr away. Tikal ruin is tucked away in jungle. Temples finally appeared after 30min drive into the park plus 30min walk. We saw many monkeys and coatis upclose

Our last stop was Antigua, an old city ~1hr outside of Guatemala City. There were many historic churches throughout Antigua. Cracks add nostalgia to the scene. Volcan Pacaya in the background

The open market was great. Especially fruits were abundant, some familiar, others totally new.

I'll wrap this with a shot of grillers...yum!
We headed ~3hrs west from Guatemala City to Panajachel. The town is located on the shore of Lake Atitlan.

Around the lake, there are small Mayan villages. People seemed happy there and they were really friendly.

Near Coban (Central Guatemala), there is a rain forest called Sumec Champey. After steep climb on the trail, this view of limestone pool opened up. River runs underground.

Going further north, on the way to Tikal ruins, we stopped by Flores.

From Flores, Tikal ruin was just 1hr away. Tikal ruin is tucked away in jungle. Temples finally appeared after 30min drive into the park plus 30min walk. We saw many monkeys and coatis upclose

Our last stop was Antigua, an old city ~1hr outside of Guatemala City. There were many historic churches throughout Antigua. Cracks add nostalgia to the scene. Volcan Pacaya in the background

The open market was great. Especially fruits were abundant, some familiar, others totally new.

I'll wrap this with a shot of grillers...yum!

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