Natural light, still trying...
I am a studio photograher with no studio. At least not right now anyway, so i am trying to work on some other technique in my down time. What do you think?
My Images | My Lessons Learned and Other Adventures
I did this very quickly with PSE. I realize there is a halo around his poor little head, but I see what you mean regarding the bright background.
Thank you!
Cute kid & good pose! )
A GREAT book to check out is a book by Douglas Box on Natural Light Photography. This shot is a perfect example of something he talks about to get that nice modeling in the face. I'm not a big fan of the photos he uses, but the techniques have really made a HUGE difference for me!
Overall, though, a VERY nice job!
Thank you for all of your imput! I will check out that book you mentioned.
The cutie pie is my son, I have taken so many photos of him that whenever I call his name he "poses and smiles" on command. I guess I'd better give him a break or I'll never get a genuine smile again!
Thanks again!!