Ice Sculptures

Every winter there is an ice sculpture competition here. I always think "I should go look and maybe try to photograph it". Tonight I dropped the boy at soccer practice, had the camera with me because I was to take a team photo for them. That took about 15 minutes, so I had time to fill, and went looking for photo ops. Remarkably, I remembered that the ice sculpture contest had taken place, and headed there. It was a brisk evening (-15C, so warmer than at the GBP v NYJ game), just after sunset. Several families were enjoying themselves. The stairs behind this little guy lead up to a large slide:


And this is

One of the faces on this sculpture:

Her face was angled way back and I couldn't get a good angle on it

Nor was the first place winner well illuminated, and that is unfortunate as the detail on this one is amazing:

And finally, for skippy, a roo in Edmonton:

I was pretty unprepared for my 20 minutes of shooting and ended up with really cold fingers! Nothing a latte couldn't fix though!


And this is

One of the faces on this sculpture:

Her face was angled way back and I couldn't get a good angle on it

Nor was the first place winner well illuminated, and that is unfortunate as the detail on this one is amazing:

And finally, for skippy, a roo in Edmonton:

I was pretty unprepared for my 20 minutes of shooting and ended up with really cold fingers! Nothing a latte couldn't fix though!
Hey there Ann, awwwwwwww too bad that wasn't on when I was over there, did you actually get to see them doing the carving at all??
That would be pretty interesting to watch wondering when they start off what the creation is going to be.
Looking at the Kangaroo looks like its been created in layers??
Is that what they do? put block upon block and then carve?
Thanks for sharing Ann
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Too long! Thats why we all try and go somewhere warm at least once per winter.
Tickled Pixels
Tickled Pixels Blog: "A walk in Gamla stan, the old town of Stockholm"
I admire those who do it.
Now, really skippy if it had been cold enough to keep ice sculptures around when you were here, you would have been quite unhappy!
The way I think this works is that each team is given a certain size of ice cube - x feet by x feet - made from large blocks of ice. They carve it with chain saws, much like the guys that carve large wooden poles do.
They will last as long as the temps stay a good amount below freezing. Today the temps hovered near zero, and there was sleet and wind, so I suspect the carvings were damaged.
That 'roo is well over 8 feet tall, btw.
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Isn't that the truth, Rae.
I dunno, tho, I feel like I've been cold for days on end. I really must find a place that I can earn a living that does not have winter as we know it!
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Yep, it must be quite a skill to develop - fine detail work using chain saw at -20C!!!!!
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