Buying Photoshop: Dumb Question

I have the opportunity, through an educational discount, to purchase the following product at what appears to me to be a substantial discount. However, I can't find this exact product on B&H's site to make certain that what I'm buying is what I think I'm buying.
Photoshop Extended CS3 for Mac (Media & License Key)
P/N ASL-54023652
Is this the latest, greatest version of PhotoShop? Can anyone clarify for me?
Photoshop Extended CS3 for Mac (Media & License Key)
P/N ASL-54023652
Is this the latest, greatest version of PhotoShop? Can anyone clarify for me?
Comments - compare the two
Note, the upgrade price is $199 for CS3 but $349 for the extended version. When CS4 comes out (or whatever it is called), if you don't need the extended version you'll pay a lot more to keep up with the latest version.