Lightroom/RawShooter Question.
Having been a rawshooter user for awhile before swithcing to lightroom, I have not been able to find a feature in the lr that was in rawshooter: in rawshooter, a yellow star would show up on a photo after it had been converted to jpeg. I found this to be handy when going back through old files (you could instantly see which photos had been converted and which had not). I have not found this feature (marking of a photo that had been converted) in lightroom. Is this feature in lightroom and I just haven't found it??
Thanx for your help. Kevin.
Thanx for your help. Kevin.
I'm not telling you how to manage your assets. But maybe you should revisit how you manage images w/ your new application. It's a perfect time to sit down w/ it since your just migrating over now.
BTW I started using Lr a little less than a year ago. Haven't looked back once. You're gonna be very happy w/ it!