Just returned from Tahiti

Put an album ogether of some pictures - a very beautiful place.
A few being posted here:

A few being posted here:

Thanks - I've seen HDR mentioned in other places, but not so sure just what that is. Can someone please let me know? Thanks
What a beautiful place to visit, I've never been there,
but from the looks of these shots it looks amazing.
Gosh this is the sort of scenery you'd expect to find in Hawaii.
Im sure you had a wonderful time in Tahiti, thank you for sharing
Those fish look pretty friendly
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. Here's a good tutorial on this subject from the Luminous-Landscape site: http://www.luminous-landscape.com/tutorials/digital-blending.shtml
This tut discusses HDR using Photomatix software: http://hdr101.com/?page_id=4
So which island did you enjoy the most, LIPhotoman? They each have their own unique character but I wish I had spent more time on Rangiroa for the diving.
Our JapanPhotos: www.LouwPhotography.com/Asia/Japan
Hey LI Guy,
I did not know you were a dgrinner
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
I've been found out
See you in Santa Fe!
Lou - thanks. I think that Moorea was the most beautiful Island, but Bora Bora was a bit more Photogenic (with the equipment I had with me).
I haven't posted all my pics to SmugMug yet - the one you mentioned was also one of my favs, but someone I know & respect didn't think so highly of it. But then again, since it has now received thumbs up from 3 difft people, the heck with what she says - I'll post it when I can get around to it.
I needed that Tahiti vacation to prepaer myself for the awful family issues I am dealing with right now involvong an ailing mother. As of yesterday, that is consuming too much of my time for me to deal with any photo matters.