Sort Galleries
I know I'm doing something dumb... I click "sort galleries: arrange , make my change (just 2 galleries) hit save but it goes back to the original order. What am I doing wrong? Also, I'm assuming that the first gallery's featured photo will also be the picture for the sub-catagory?
here's the link:
trying to move the "Boardercross" gallery and it's picture to the first gallery in the list.
here's the link:
trying to move the "Boardercross" gallery and it's picture to the first gallery in the list.
And yes, the featured photo for the first album (or a random photo from the first album if featured isn't set) will be the photo shown for the subcategory.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
sounds like it may be the issue - where do I set the sort galleries by option?
OK I'm clueless. I can arrange the galleries by category and subcatagory for 2007 and 2006 but when I created 2008 and try to arrange the galleries newest to oldest, it alsway defaults back to the original order. Please help.
I would like the Super Bowl gallery to be the first not second.
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this is what I'm seeing
<TABLE class=toolbox cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=130 align=center border=0 fixed_bound="true"><TBODY fixed_bound="true"><TR vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">arrange galleries</TD></TR><TR vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><FORM name=myform onsubmit=getArrayNumbers(); action=/gallery/ method=post fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><INPUT type=hidden name=data fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=4273884 name=AlbumID fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=yes name=moves fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value="/For Friends and Family Viewing/452647/" name=goTo fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT class=buttons type=submit value="save changes" fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=132008 name=CatID fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=452647 name=SubCatID fixed_bound="true"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true"><FORM style="DISPLAY: inline" fixed_bound="true"><INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(-5); type=button value=↑ fixed_bound="true">
<INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(-1); type=button value=← fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(1); type=button value=→ fixed_bound="true">
<INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(5); type=button value=↓ fixed_bound="true"></FORM></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">selected:
0 of 2 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true"><INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=unselectall(); id=unselect type=button value="unselect all" name=unselect fixed_bound="true"></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">quick move:
<INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=move(-2); id=start type=button value=start name=start fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=move(2); id=end type=button value=end name=end fixed_bound="true"></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">quick sort:
<SELECT onchange=quicksort(this.value); name=sortvalue fixed_bound="true"> <OPTION value=Position selected fixed_bound="true">Position</OPTION> <OPTION value=Title fixed_bound="true">Title</OPTION> <OPTION value=Date fixed_bound="true">Date Created</OPTION> <OPTION value=Modify fixed_bound="true">Date Modified</OPTION></SELECT>
<INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=reversesort(); type=button value=reverse fixed_bound="true"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true"><INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=showKeys(); type=button value=shortcuts fixed_bound="true"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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There seems to be an erratic bug. I started this thread back in Jan, then the ordering worked. A few weeks later I added a second gallery, tried to order them, didn't work, reposted here for more help. Yesterday I go back in and try saving by position, and now it works. Andy - any knowledge of a bug having to do with gallery ordering by position?
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for example, it works for this one:
but for some odd reason it doesn't work for this one:
for the latter one, when I click on the "arrange" link it takes me to a page with the standard black background header and footer and nothing else.
any ideas?
thank you!
I still believe there is a problem with sorting, perhaps erratic. I see problems when attempting to sort the gallery thumbs on a subcategory page.
Mine is set on Position (everything seems to be by default). I will attempt multiple times and it often seems to partially re-sort it the way I would I try multiple times until it finally accepts what I am telling it.
I have also noticed that when I add a new photo to a gallery, then that gallery thumb sorts to the front of the subcategory page.
I have also very recently seen similar issues in sorting (or attempting to) the photos within a gallery.
Sometimes sorting works, sometimes it doesn't...
Tom Kirkpatrick
Hi -
There is definitely an issue with sorting galleries while in the "Position" setting and having the sort really work.
In the Gallery customization, I have noticed that I need to have it set to "Position", plus have "Sort Direction" set to Ascending.
If I set to Descending, I start having erratic sorting behavior. When I switch to Ascending, the Position function appears to work as it should.
I would be interested to know if "Ascending" clears up your issues... If so, this is a bug that should be addressed.
Tom Kirkpatrick