Sort Galleries

DavidKlDavidKl Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
edited February 26, 2008 in SmugMug Support
I know I'm doing something dumb... I click "sort galleries: arrange , make my change (just 2 galleries) hit save but it goes back to the original order. What am I doing wrong? Also, I'm assuming that the first gallery's featured photo will also be the picture for the sub-catagory?

here's the link:

trying to move the "Boardercross" gallery and it's picture to the first gallery in the list.



  • denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,422 moderator
    edited January 22, 2008
    It sounds like you may have your galleries set to sort by most recent instead of by position. See for info.

    And yes, the featured photo for the first album (or a random photo from the first album if featured isn't set) will be the photo shown for the subcategory.

    --- Denise
  • DavidKlDavidKl Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
    edited January 22, 2008
    It sounds like you may have your galleries set to sort by most recent instead of by position. See for info.

    And yes, the featured photo for the first album (or a random photo from the first album if featured isn't set) will be the photo shown for the subcategory.

    --- Denise

    sounds like it may be the issue - where do I set the sort galleries by option?
  • DavidKlDavidKl Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
    edited January 22, 2008
    DavidKl wrote:
    sounds like it may be the issue - where do I set the sort galleries by option?
    Ok found the sort by n the home page, changed it but same problem.
  • DavidKlDavidKl Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2008
    DavidKl wrote:
    Ok found the sort by n the home page, changed it but same problem.

    OK I'm clueless. I can arrange the galleries by category and subcatagory for 2007 and 2006 but when I created 2008 and try to arrange the galleries newest to oldest, it alsway defaults back to the original order. Please help.

    I would like the Super Bowl gallery to be the first not second.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2008
    DavidKl wrote:
    OK I'm clueless. I can arrange the galleries by category and subcatagory for 2007 and 2006 but when I created 2008 and try to arrange the galleries newest to oldest, it alsway defaults back to the original order. Please help.

    I would like the Super Bowl gallery to be the first not second.
    It has to be set to "position" not "recent" for the arrange will work.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • DavidKlDavidKl Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    It has to be set to "position" not "recent" for the arrange will work.
    Hi Allen - I tried position also (on the screen that has 2008 with 2 galleries - I click arrange, change to postion, change the order, hit save - it goes back to the original order...)
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2008
    DavidKl wrote:
    Hi Allen - I tried position also (on the screen that has 2008 with 2 galleries - I click arrange, change to postion, change the order, hit save - it goes back to the original order...)
    You should see this at the top of the categories box. Click position.
    gallery categories                            organize: move up · move down | hide
    sort categories by: most recent · [B]position (arrange)[/B]   display: categories · galleries
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • DavidKlDavidKl Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
    edited February 6, 2008
    Allen wrote:
    You should see this at the top of the categories box. Click position.
    gallery categories                            organize: move up · move down | hide
    sort categories by: most recent · [B]position (arrange)[/B]   display: categories · galleries

    this is what I'm seeing

    <TABLE class=toolbox cellSpacing=10 cellPadding=0 width=130 align=center border=0 fixed_bound="true"><TBODY fixed_bound="true"><TR vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">arrange galleries</TD></TR><TR vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><FORM name=myform onsubmit=getArrayNumbers(); action=/gallery/ method=post fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><INPUT type=hidden name=data fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=4273884 name=AlbumID fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=yes name=moves fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value="/For Friends and Family Viewing/452647/" name=goTo fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT class=buttons type=submit value="save changes" fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=132008 name=CatID fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT type=hidden value=452647 name=SubCatID fixed_bound="true"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=center align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true"><FORM style="DISPLAY: inline" fixed_bound="true"><INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(-5); type=button value=↑ fixed_bound="true">
    <INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(-1); type=button value=← fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(1); type=button value=→ fixed_bound="true">
    <INPUT class=buttons onclick=move(5); type=button value=↓ fixed_bound="true"></FORM></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">selected:
    0 of 2 </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true"><INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=unselectall(); id=unselect type=button value="unselect all" name=unselect fixed_bound="true"></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">quick move:
    <INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=move(-2); id=start type=button value=start name=start fixed_bound="true"> <INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=move(2); id=end type=button value=end name=end fixed_bound="true"></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true">quick sort:
    <SELECT onchange=quicksort(this.value); name=sortvalue fixed_bound="true"> <OPTION value=Position selected fixed_bound="true">Position</OPTION> <OPTION value=Title fixed_bound="true">Title</OPTION> <OPTION value=Date fixed_bound="true">Date Created</OPTION> <OPTION value=Modify fixed_bound="true">Date Modified</OPTION></SELECT>
    <INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=reversesort(); type=button value=reverse fixed_bound="true"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top align=middle fixed_bound="true"><TD vAlign=center noWrap align=middle fixed_bound="true"><INPUT class=buttons onmousedown=showKeys(); type=button value=shortcuts fixed_bound="true"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  • OffTopicOffTopic Registered Users Posts: 521 Major grins
    edited February 11, 2008
    Doesn't look like this was resolved, and I am having the same problem. Allen your screen shot showed the Categories, the problem is with the galleries - what DavidKl showed. I have it set to "position" and I even tried switching it to "last modified/reverse" since that would bump the gallery I wanted to the top, but that didn't work either. headscratch.gif FWIW, categories are also set to "position".
  • DavidKlDavidKl Registered Users Posts: 142 Major grins
    edited February 11, 2008
    OffTopic wrote:
    Doesn't look like this was resolved, and I am having the same problem. Allen your screen shot showed the Categories, the problem is with the galleries - what DavidKl showed. I have it set to "position" and I even tried switching it to "last modified/reverse" since that would bump the gallery I wanted to the top, but that didn't work either. headscratch.gif FWIW, categories are also set to "position".

    There seems to be an erratic bug. I started this thread back in Jan, then the ordering worked. A few weeks later I added a second gallery, tried to order them, didn't work, reposted here for more help. Yesterday I go back in and try saving by position, and now it works. Andy - any knowledge of a bug having to do with gallery ordering by position?
  • OffTopicOffTopic Registered Users Posts: 521 Major grins
    edited February 11, 2008
    hmmm... it is quite erratic. I tried again this morning and still had the same problem. Tried arranging the galleries in several different categories to see if maybe it was a bug in just that one category and it wasn't working for any of them, then all of sudden it worked in one of them. I went back to the first category that originally had this problem, and this time it did allow me to rearrange the galleries. Only took about twenty tries over two days before it finally worked. Very strange. eek7.gif
  • kintarakintara Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited February 11, 2008
    not sure if mine is related but i've got my home page to show by category. when i go into a category I click on the "arrange" link and it should give me a list of galleries that I can re-order. but it only works for some categories but not for others.

    for example, it works for this one:

    but for some odd reason it doesn't work for this one:

    for the latter one, when I click on the "arrange" link it takes me to a page with the standard black background header and footer and nothing else.

    any ideas?

    thank you!
  • kintarakintara Registered Users Posts: 2 Beginner grinner
    edited February 12, 2008
    right ... figured it out. for some odd reason i had to two categories with identical names. just deleted both. recreated the category and moved all the galleries into it and it's all working fine now.
  • Tomkirk23Tomkirk23 Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
    edited February 21, 2008
    Sorting problems...
    I still believe there is a problem with sorting, perhaps erratic. I see problems when attempting to sort the gallery thumbs on a subcategory page.

    Mine is set on Position (everything seems to be by default). I will attempt multiple times and it often seems to partially re-sort it the way I would I try multiple times until it finally accepts what I am telling it.

    I have also noticed that when I add a new photo to a gallery, then that gallery thumb sorts to the front of the subcategory page.

    I have also very recently seen similar issues in sorting (or attempting to) the photos within a gallery.

    Sometimes sorting works, sometimes it doesn't...


    Tom Kirkpatrick
  • Tomkirk23Tomkirk23 Registered Users Posts: 55 Big grins
    edited February 26, 2008
    Potential cause of gallery sorting issues...
    Hi -

    There is definitely an issue with sorting galleries while in the "Position" setting and having the sort really work.

    In the Gallery customization, I have noticed that I need to have it set to "Position", plus have "Sort Direction" set to Ascending.

    If I set to Descending, I start having erratic sorting behavior. When I switch to Ascending, the Position function appears to work as it should.

    I would be interested to know if "Ascending" clears up your issues... If so, this is a bug that should be addressed.


    Tom Kirkpatrick
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