Re-watermarking removes zoom thumbnails?

I re-watermarked a gallery of images and guess what.......
every thumbnail in that gallery was "unzoomed"
Is this the way watermarking works? Change watermarks and poof.....
no more 1 x 1 formatted zoomed thumbnails?
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every thumbnail in that gallery was "unzoomed"
Is this the way watermarking works? Change watermarks and poof.....
no more 1 x 1 formatted zoomed thumbnails?
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Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
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Yes, re-watermarking regenerates all images.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
NOT good, not good at all.
Surely, with all the technical know-how behind smugmug and it's heroes, they can figure out a way to NOT allow re-watermarking to undo what is sometimes a great deal of work a smugmugger puts in to styling their thumnails.
This really surprises me. And in all honestly, is a bit disappointing to know.
I thought it was a "fluke" when it happened.
Does it say ANYwhere in the help or "start here' or FAQ that this is the case? There's so much information there, I probably overlooked that one little detail. IF it is not there, it most certainly should be in the area where Smugmug describes how to create custom watermarks... at minimum.
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
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I was sure I missed it somewhere but.......
don't you think it might be nice to make mention of this in the watermarking section? After all, not everybody uses the bulk thumbnail tool. That leaves those who are not using the bulk thumbnail tool, uninformed because nowhere else is it being made mention of.
Really I'm not here to complain, Andy...... I'm trying to help others who are going to find out "by accident" after doing LOTS of work on their thumbnails. Even those who are not dealing in hundreds of images should be informed. Because whatever work they put into it, it's their work.
Thank you for your reply,
Canon AE1 - it was my first "real camera"
Canon 20D - no more film!