Want to calibrate/profile two monitors - need to upgrade from Spyder2?

I currently use a Spyder2 (not pro) to calibrate my monitor and have had good results. I'm going to purchase a 2nd monitor to run a dual-monitor setup. The non-pro version of the Spyder2 cannot calibrate two displays. My options are to either calibrate my primary display and not worry about my secondary one (likely not color-critical) OR upgrade my calibration setup to an Eye-One Display 2 or comparable setup that will calibrate more than one monitor.
-You can work in both windows and know the results will be identical.
-It's annoying to look at a non calibrated screen after a while.
-Once you get to dual displays. You'll treat it like one monitor and drag windows to the other display without even thinking. Before I calibrated both monitors, I'd do work on one display then realize it wasn't the calibrated.. ugh.
I also think this third party dual screen app called ultramon is worth every penny. You can give it a trial to see if you like it.
1. lets you open up any window across both screens. Talk about maximize window!
2. lets you pop irt to the other window w/o dragging it anywhere.
There are tons of other cool little options as well.
BTW I have the Huey Pro now. I found a workaround for the Huey standard but I wanted peace of mind know both were calibrated correctly.
I really think it's worth it and you won't be disappointed!