A question about glass.
I'm sure it's been covered before, at some point,but am a lazy slob when it comes to searches.
I am thinking about buying a DSLR (Canon).
My dad had an older SLR with a pile of lenses, filters, etc with it.
Is there any chance the old glass would fit a new camera??
I am thinking about buying a DSLR (Canon).
My dad had an older SLR with a pile of lenses, filters, etc with it.
Is there any chance the old glass would fit a new camera??
It depends on how old the lenses are. Current SLRs will use EF (or EF-S) mount lenses - the EF mount has been in use since the late 80's. Older lenses, like FD mount lenses, CAN be used but will require an adaptor but won't have any sort of autofocus ability. If you give us some more detail on the lenses I'm sure we could figure out what is usable and what is not.
I beleive the lenses would be a mid 80's vintage.
If they are MF FD mount, then maybe with an adapter. But I don't think you'll get metering and obviously no AF.
I won't even think about the Canon vs Nikon thing yet!!!
That's a big question with as many answers as there are lenses. You'll have to pick a system (Nikon, Canon, etc) -- you need to go and play with the bodies and pick one that you like. You'll get great image quality from any of them. Next, figure out what KIND of photos you like to take and what kind of lens lineup you'd like. Almost more importantly you'll need to figure out a budget. There are $100 lenses I can recommend as well as $1500 lenses. From that point you'll be able to get some more meaningful recommendations.
24-105. I'd go with the later.